Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Grave, Blood Red Throne, Pathology, Gigen @ The Gramercy 9/3/11

Grave played a show this weekend at The Gramercy Theatre with tech death openers Blood Red Throne, Pathology and Gigen.  I actually got there early enough to catch the first band Gigen.  I spent most of that time in the rafter seats. Didn't get any decent shots of Pathology which is soo unfortunate cuz there singer had some awesome robot action going on there.  Anyhoo, I had to brave the pit (got my phone kicked out of my hands twice!) to get these close up shots of Grave and Blood Red Throne.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Diamond Plate @ The Highland Ballroom 8/30/11

New school thrash masters Diamond Plate opened up for Kittie last night at the Highline Ballroom. I had a bit a phone crisis the night before when the new android update crashed my phone putting it in an infinite start-up loop. Long story short I had to factory reset my phone losing all my photos and photo settings. Boooo.. Lucky for me I managed to get the camera functional just in time for the show.